Audio and Testimony

The Audio Testimonies Symposium held on the 2nd July 2020 explored the various aspects of testimony, witnessing through audio as these connected to temporality, spatial voice, situated knowledge and dislocation.

Notes from the working group.

To listen to the unspeakable - requires an active process - seeking out the testimony - a memory that lives in the textures of spaces/ but that can also be forgotten or displaced/ 
my research looks at the connections between space (architectural), memory and testimony

According to John Zeisel, a neuroscientist who works with Alzheimer’s patients in New York: ‘To remember something you need to know where it happened as well as when it happened.  Place is essential to memory; without a memory of place, people lose their sense of self’.

Physical spaces that exist as different places- a house - a school - a home - debris - and accrue different testimonies 

Where does the unspeakable reside - 
one needs to consider location - 
where do we find it? What spaces/ places embody the unspeakable - to find or create archives of sounds that do not belong
Focusing upon places/spaces - Architectural Amnesia - 
displaced memories  ---- dis - placement

Liminal Sound Places (Spaces?) - beyond boundary - transitional in time/place - intangible and elusive 
in-between status


"They can be noticeable yet off-record, perceptible yet ignorable"

Another is “collateral signals” (Clark, 1996), a much broader notion covering any sign doing metacommunicative work.


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